03/19/14 10:15AM
Do we have a tag for this?
Is there a name or a tag for when a visible trail leads to the sub's eyes or head? Sometimes I see a pic where a person gets eye-lasered into submission, a snake shoots suspended rings at them, or a misty, sparkly trail travels from the source of the mind control into the sub's eyes or forehead, or just envelopes their whole head. It adds that something extra to the pictures where it is used and I feel like there aught to be a tag for it (if there isn't already).
03/19/14 10:42AM
I...don't think so. Though, Stem_Cell added the "beam" tag for the lulz ages ago. XD That's the closest thing we have, iirc.
03/19/14 11:59AM
Vanndril said:
I...don't think so. Though, Stem_Cell added the "beam" tag for the lulz ages ago. XD That's the closest thing we have, iirc.

Imma firong ma lazzzor! xD
03/20/14 12:47AM
Anno1404 said:
Imma firong ma lazzzor! xD
03/20/14 04:27AM
"hypnotic_beam" seems like a reasonable tag though, both for the current "beam" image and things like <<|visible fields going into sub's eyes.>>

This should be in the tag thread though.
03/20/14 05:13AM
greasyi said:
"hypnotic_beam" seems like a reasonable tag though, both for the current "beam" image and things like <<|visible fields going into sub's eyes.>>


greasyi said:
This should be in the tag thread though.

I think BML was avoiding interrupting that epic something we have going on in that thread. It just seems to be on a whole other level. :P
03/20/14 06:12AM
greasyi said:
This should be in the tag thread though.

I somehow missed that thread.

Sorry about that.


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